Shri Shaneshwar Devasthan is in Shanishingnapur which is located in Maharasthra Taluka Naivasa of District Ahmednagar it is well-known temple for every once’s. It is the holy place of myriad devotees. The numeral of its great miracles finds its position of pleasure in the Guinness book of world Records.
Ahmednagar’s residents is identified generally as the rest of saints. God Shani occupies a stay of horror in the minds of many people in India. There is useless horror about God Shani in the minds of the people. Dissimilar from further God in the pantheon, why are you afraid of God Shani? Even though he is your friend, and not your rival? At present now a days there is huge position of significance force and sympathy in our life. Our body are constituted of five elements. As a result these factor have a deep of pressure on us. These planets therefore it is handle us constantly. God Shani occupies its seventh place inside the collection of the nine ‘grahas’ which organize the planet. God Shani exerts extra command than the authority of seriousness itself.
This sequence which is based on social, spiritual, logical, ‘Sanskritic’, geographical and domestical which is organism made existing to all devotees.

Shri Sani Dev Wallpaper

Bhagwan Shani Signapur Photo

Picture of Shri Sani Dev Maharaj